艺术家 artist
彦风 . 简历  |  Yanfeng . Artist Biography


中央美术学院 副教授
中央美术学院国家数字媒体创新设计研究中心 负责人
中国美术家协会实验艺术委员会 秘书长
Apple Distinguish Educator 苹果公司杰出教育工作者
中国数码专业委员会 专家委员

现为中央美术学院副教授,2011工程国家数字媒体创新设计研究中心负责人, 彦风作为中国当代的中青年艺术家及设计师致力于以国际化的视野来深入探索社会与生活的当代美学, 专注数字媒体艺术与设计的创作和研究,以及跨媒体艺术设计实践等,他关注人们如何通过互动介入的方式改变以往在空间和时间上的阅读经验,试图重塑“观看”的过程,基于“低技术”甚至是“无技术”的物理媒介,将情绪与通感融入到关于“技术”的审美体验之中,同时呈现出建立在事物内在逻辑基础之上的互动关系。作品涉及数字媒体艺术、交互设计、信息可视化应用、数字出版、互动空间应用,虚拟现实等多重领域,呈现出在全球数字信息化浪潮中成长的青年艺术家和设计师的多元而崭新的面貌。曾分别就读于英国伯明翰艺术与设计学院 Birmingham Institute of Art and Design,UK 综合绘画专业、美国旧金山艺术大学Academy of Art University,San Francisco 数字媒体艺术专业,并获得双硕士学位,现为中央美术学院副教授。

2012-至今 中央美术学院,博士学位在读
2004 – 2007 美国旧金山艺术学院(Academy of Art University,San Francisco),数字媒体专业,硕士学位
2002 – 2004 英国伯明翰艺术设计学院(Birmingham Institute of Art and Design,UK),综合绘画专业,硕士学位
1996 – 2000 清华大学美术学院,装饰艺术专业,学士学位

2015年 爱尔兰波浪-中爱艺术展“金羊毛”,北京
2014年 上海双年展 -“城市客厅”,上海
2014年 “东经倾斜”北回与南归的城影对话,台湾
2014年 中国国际创意设计展特别单元“地平线 - 开放的传统” 艺术特邀展,国际展览中心,北京
2014年 “新媒体年代学”第三届国际新媒体论坛,四川美术学院,重庆
2014年 中韩新媒体艺术展,首尔市民厅,韩国/首尔
2014年 北京国际设计周“解构”奥迪设计展特邀艺术家,奥迪中国,中国/北京
2014年 万象“ART新势力”跨界展,北京798悦美术馆,中国/北京
2014年 第十二届全国美术展览,今日美术馆,中国/北京
2014年 “气候” 2014青年艺术家研究展”,武汉美术馆,中国/武汉(收藏)
2014年“增厚1mm - 纸在”实验艺术展,天津当代美术馆,中国/天津
2013年“CAFA教师” 创作展,中央美术学院美术馆,中国/北京(收藏)
2010年“聚焦 - 走进印度”国际艺术展,德里画廊,印度/新德里(收藏)
2009年  韩国仁川青年艺术展,仁川美术馆,韩国/仁川(收藏)
2007年“The SpaceTime - 2007 ACM SIGGRAPH”美国/洛杉矶
2005年 “AAU 春季沙龙展”AAU Spring Arts Festival Show 美国旧金山艺术学院多媒体画廊 Academy of Art University Multi-Media Gallery, USA,美国/旧金山
2004年 “AAU 硕士研究生展” MFA Fine Art Final Show 英国伯明翰玛格丽特美术学院 Margaret School, Birmingham, UK 英国/伯明翰
2003年 “2003新新地平线” New Horizons 2003, 英国/伯明翰
英国伯明翰皇家美术家协会画廊 Royal Birmingham Society of Artists’ Gallery, Birmingham, UK,英国/伯明翰
2003年“Echo”,The Photographers’ Gallery, 英国/伦敦
2003年“Forward!Forward!” St. Paul’s Gallery, 英国/伯明翰
2000  < 红色的雨 > “2000 国际纤维艺术大展-从洛桑到北京” 清华大学美术学院 From Lausanne to Beijing — 2000 International Tapestry Art Exhibition, 中国/北京

2015 主持设计APP作品《每日故宫》故宫第一款微交互作品, 获得APPLE STORE的每月精品推荐, 豌豆荚年度设计大奖
2014 第十二届全国美展组织工作优秀先进工作者奖
2014 中央美术学院设计学院优秀博士论文开题
2013 主持设计APP作品《胤禛美人图》故宫第一款APP, 获得APPLE STORE的5个亚洲国家大图精品推荐
2012 “设计之星”中国艺术设计院校院长奖
2012 主持设计APP作品《中国古典家具》获得德国“Red Dot Design Award”红点传播大奖,获香港设计中心“DFA Award”亚洲最具影响力设计大奖,获得 Macworld Asia 数字世界亚洲博览会大赛一等奖,获得北京国际设计周年度设计大奖
2011 创建中央美术学院/腾讯CDC交互设计实验室
2011 被评为中央美术学院设计学院2010年度优秀教师
2010 腾讯研究院2009合作课题被评为中央美术学院校级优秀课程
2009 < 未来展望展区 > 总体设计奖,中国国庆60周年成就展
2009 < 山山水水 > 一等奖,韩国仁川青年艺术展,并收藏于仁川美术馆
2008  < In Memory of Hutong No.28 > 参展“The SpaceTime 2008 Student Competition & Exhibition”美国洛杉矶 2008 ACM SIGGRAPH Conference, USA
2007  < 对第28条胡同的回忆 > 一等奖“2007 春季沙龙展”美国旧金山艺术学院多媒体画廊 Academy of Art University Multi-Media Gallery, USA
2005  < Summer > 二等奖 “2004 春季沙龙展”美国旧金山艺术学院多媒体画廊 Academy of Art University Multi-Media Gallery, USA
2003  < 大陆1‘2 > 奎尼奖 “2003 新新地平线” 英国伯明翰皇家美术家协会画廊 Royal Birmingham Society of Artists’ Gallery, Birmingham, UK
2000  < 红色的雨 > 优秀奖 “国际纤维艺术大展-从洛桑到北京” 清华大学美术学院 From Lausanne to Beijing — 2000 International Tapestry Art Exhibition


YAN, Feng

Brief Professional Experience:
As a young Chinese contemporary artist, Yan Feng has always explored contemporary aesthetics within life and society using an international perspective. Yan specializes in digital media art and design, as well as multi-media art and design practices. He has always focused on the ways in which interactive intervention changes viewing experiences in space and time. In the attempt to remold this process, Yan has based his ideas on “low-tech,” and even “no-tech,” physical media, blending emotion and sensation with the aesthetic experience of technology. He also hopes to present interactive relationships based on the given object’s internal logic. His work involves digital media, interactive design, information visualization applications, digital publications, and interactive spatial applications, presenting the diversity of young artists and designers riding the wave of global digital information. He received two master’s degrees, one in Digital Media from the Academy of Art University and one in Painting from the Birmingham Institute of Art and Design. He started his doctoral program at Central Academy of Fine Arts since 2012, and prospectively will receive the PhD degree in 2015. He currently serves as the Associate Professor in School of Design at the Central Academy of Fine Arts.

Central Academy of Fine Arts, School of Design, Associate Professor in Digital Arts
Central Academy of Fine Arts, Research Center for National Digital Media Creative Design, Director
China Artists Association, Assistant Director
Committee of China Digital Arts, Member
Apple Distinguish Educator

2012 – Now: PhD in Digital Arts, Central Academy of Fine Arts
2004 – 2007: Academy of Fine Arts, MFA in Digital Media
2002 – 2004: Birmingham Institute of Art and Design, MFA in Painting and Drawing
1996 – 2000: Tsinghua University, Academy of Art and Design, BFA in Fine Arts

2014, China & Korea New Media Art Exhibition, Seoul Citizens’ Hall, Seoul, Korea
2014, Today Art and Fashion Award and Exhibition (TAFA), Today Art Museum, Beijing, China
2014, Special Artist for “Deconstruction” Audi Automobile Design Exhibition of Beijing Design Week, Audi Automobile (China), Beijing, China
2014, Men’s JOKER Crossover Art Exhibition, Enjoy Museum of Art in Beijing, 798 Art Zone, Beijing, China
2014, The Twelfth National Exhibition of Fine Arts, Today Art Museum, Beijing, China
2014, 2014 “CLIMATE” Young Artists Research Exhibition, Wuhan Art Museum, Wuhan, China (collected)
2014, “Thickening 1mm - Paper” Experimental Art Exhibition, Tianjin Contemporary Art Museum, Tianjin, China
2013, “@me / Visibility” Thematic Art Exhibition, Shijiazhuang Art Museum, Shijiazhuang, China
2013, “Works by Teachers at the Central Academy of Fine Arts” Special Exhibition, CAFA Art Museum, Beijing, China (collected)
2010, “Focus – About India” International Art Exhibition, Delhi Art Gallery, New Delhi, India (collected)
2009, Incheon Youth Art exhibition, Incheon Art Platform Museum, Incheon, Korea (collected)
2007, “The SpaceTime - 2007 ACM SIGGRAPH”, Los Angeles, USA
2005, AAU Spring Arts Festival Show, Academy of Art University Multi-Media Gallery, San Francisco, USA
2004, AAU MFA Fine Art Final Show, Academy of Art University Multi-Media Gallery, San Francisco, USA
2004, MFA Fine Art Final Show, Margaret School, Birmingham, UK
2003, “New Horizons 2003,” Royal Birmingham Society of Artists’ Gallery, Birmingham, UK
2003,  “Echo,” The Photographers’ Gallery, London, UK
2003, “Forward! Forward!” St. Paul’s Gallery, Birmingham, UK
2000, “Red Rain,” From Lausanne to Beijing-2000 International Tapestry Art Exhibition, Tsinghua University Academy of Art & Design, Beijing, China

2013, Mobile/tablet application design “Twelve Beauties,” the mobile/tablet application of the Forbidden Palace Museum, recommended by five Asian countries for use
2012, Dean’s List of “Design Star,” China Central Academy of Fine Art
2012, Mobile/tablet application design “Traditional Chinese Furniture,” won Germany’s “Red Dot Design Award” of communication design, the DFA Grand Award of Hong Kong Design Center, and the first prize of contest of Macworld iWorld Asia
2007, “Memory of the 28th Hutong”, first prize of 2007 Spring Arts Festival Show, Academy of Art University Multi-Media Gallery, USA
2005, “Summer”, second prize of 2004 Spring Arts Festival Show, Academy of Art University Multi-Media Gallery, USA
2003, “Continent 1‘2,” Queenie Award, Royal Birmingham Society of Artists’ Gallery, Birmingham, UK