1965 出生于安徽屯溪
1986 毕业于安徽师范大学艺术系
1987—1989 在铁道部第四工程局学校任教
1991 毕业于中央美术学院油画研修班
1991 至今在天津美术学院任教
2015 “静态与流变 蔡锦”艺 凯旋艺术空间 北京
2014 “溯源 蔡锦”前波画廊 纽约 美国
2013 “溯源 蔡锦”前波画廊 北京 中国
2012 “蔡锦”中国美术馆,北京,中国
2011 “蔡锦:纸上作品”,Hadrien de Montferrand画廊,北京,中国
2008 “蔡锦:红潮”,PICI画廊,首尔,韩国
2007 “蔡锦”,九立方画廊,北京,中国
2005 “蔡锦:红色的诱惑”,香港汉雅轩画廊,香港,中国
2003 “美人蕉: 蔡锦的艺术”,Goedhuis Contemporary,纽约,美国
2003 “蔡锦:红色的声音”,Fujikawa Gallery/Next, 大阪,日本
2000 “蔡锦”,纽约康乃尔大学画廊,美国
1999 “蔡锦超越画布”,四合苑画廊,北京,中国
1999 “蔡锦 美人蕉”,柏林亚洲艺术画廊,柏林,德国
1997 “蔡锦:Chinese Hand Studies From Life”,Ethan Cohen 画廊,纽约,美国
1995 “蔡锦”,Kiang画廊,亚特兰大,美国
1991 “蔡锦油画作品展”,中央美术学院画廊,北京,中国
1991 Teaching at the Tianjin Fine Arts Institute, Tianjin, China
1991 Graduated from the Oil Painting Department, Central Academy of Fine Arts, Beijing, China
1986 Graduated from the Fine Arts Department, Anhui Normal University, Wuhu, China
1965 Born in Tunxi, Anhui (China)
Solo Exhibitions:
2015 Static and Flowing , Triumph Art Space,Beijing,China
2014 Cai Jin :Returm to the Source, Chambers Fine Art, New York, USA
2013 Cai Jin :Returm to the Source, Chambers Fine Art, Beijing,China
2012 Cai Jin: National Art Museum of China, Beijing ,China
2011 Cai Jin: Works on Paper, Hadrien de Montferrand Gallery, Beijing, China
2008 Red Tide, Cai Jin: Galerie PICI, Seoul, Korea
2007 Cai Jin: Beijing Cube Gallery, Beijing, China
2005 Cai Jin:Eros in Red, Hanart TZ Gallery, Hong Kong, China
2003 Beauty Banana Series: The Art of Cai Jin, Goedhuis Contemporary, New York, USA
Cai Jin: Sound in Red: Fujikawa Gallery/Next, Osaka, Japan
2000 Cai Jin: Herbert F. Johnson Museum of Art, Cornell University, Ithaca, USA
1999 Banana Plants Paintings:Alexander Ochs Galleries, Berlin, Germany
Cai Jin: Off the Canvas, The Courtyard Gallery, Beijing, China
1999 Cai Jin: Asian Fine Arts Berlin, Berlin, Germany
1997 Cai Jin: Chinese Hand Studies from Life, Ethan Cohen Fine Art, New York, USA
1995 Cai Jin: Recent Works, Kiang Gallery, Atlanta, USA
1991 Cai Jin's Oil Painting: Art Gallery of the Central Academy of Fine Arts, Beijing, China
2016 “冷光源” 金大地一九一二美术馆 安徽 中国
2016 “不要主义” 红鼎画廊 北京 中国
2016 “后学院” 广州美术学院美术馆 广州 中国
2015 “澜薹·洄憶” Big House当代艺术中心 武汉 中国
2015 “中国当代艺术年鉴展2014” 北京民生现代艺术馆 北京 中国
2015 “花样年华”--女性艺术家形态生长展 高更画廊 北京 中国
2015 “感知” 三远当代艺术中心 天津 中国
2015 “非形象” 上海二十一世纪民生美术馆 上海 中国
2015 “历史的温度 中央美术学院成立100周年展“ 上海美术馆 中国
2015 “群展” hadrien de montferrand Gallery 北京 中国
2015 “物我两望 ” 风眠艺术空间 广州 中国
2015 “如味--女性艺术四人展” 徐汇艺术馆 上海 中国
2015 “东方意识流”长沙力美术馆 湖南 中国
2015 “中国当代艺术国际巡展” 圣之空间,Galleri Astley Museum, 戴亚基列夫现代艺术博物馆 北京 瑞典 俄罗斯
2015 “视觉转换---当代绘画 多元表现” 华东交通大学艺术学院 中国
2015 “潜流 安徽当代艺术八人展” 大地美术馆 合肥 中国
2015 “美好年代 非常女声” 马奈草地美术馆 北京 中国
2014 “粉红公见 中国当代女性艺术展” 新疆当代美术馆 中国
2014 “童年 远方” 时代美术馆 北京 中国
2014 “态 当代艺术邀请展” 上舍空间 北京 中国
2014 “出语境:1984” 37.8ARTLAB 北京 中国
2014 “心迹·手记——艺术家手稿展” 中森会&墙艺术中心 北京 中国
2014 “天津夏季达沃斯论坛 长卷:世界寓言当代艺术展” 三远当代艺术中心 天津 中国
2013 “朝花夕拾”奥加美术馆 北京 中国
2013 “玄心妙物” 时代美术馆 北京 中国
2013 “万象·呼吸” 今日美术馆 北京 中国
2013 “方法之外” 大象艺术空间馆 台北 中国台湾
2013 “突破” 鲍登学院美术馆 缅因州 美国
2012 “时差展”,汉诺威国际会展中心,德国
2011 “女艺术系列五:青绿”,想象画廊,北京,中国
2010 “改造历史”,国家会议中心,北京,中国
2009 “意派”,今日美术馆,北京,中国
2008 “女人的创造”,奥沙艺术空间,香港,中国
2007 “墨缘100:中国宋庄水墨同盟第二届名家邀请展”,东区艺术中心,北京,中国
2006 “诱惑”蔡锦、邓箭今油画作品展,墙艺术空间,北京,中国
“中国新西洋式”,Ethan Cohen 画廊,纽约,美国
2005 “性殇”,东京画廊,北京,中国
“生于中国”,Goedhuis Contemporary,纽约,美国
2004 “Lodz双年展”,国际艺术家博物馆,波兰
“被禁止的感觉:中国当代艺术中的情色语话”,法郎索瓦·密 特朗文化中心,沙哈拉市,法国
“新生,中国和美国的中国当代艺术”,David Winton Bell画廊, 普罗维登斯,美国
“文化边缘之美”,Goedhuis Contemporary,纽约,美国
2003 “倒转的镜子”,前波画廊,纽约,美国
2002 “亚洲女性艺术”,利曼学院艺术画廊,纽约,美国
2001 “新形象:中国20年绘画”,中国美术馆/上海美术馆/广东美术馆/成都美术馆,中国
2000 “家,当代艺术提案”,月星家居广场,上海,中国
1999 “TRANSIENCE”,芝加哥大学艺术博物馆,芝加哥,美国
“5人作品展”,Jack Tilton画廊,纽约,美国
“THE UNSEEN SEEN”,Peng画廊,费城,美国
1998 “半边天”,波恩妇女博物馆,波恩,德国
“河流主义”,布鲁克林Carroll街,纽约, 美国
1997 “AGAINST THE TIDE”,Bronx艺术博物馆,纽约,美国
“后八九中国新艺术展”,芝加哥文化中心,芝加哥, 美国
1996 “15位来自中国的艺术家工作室”,中国艺术节,慕尼黑,德国
1995 “变化:中国当代艺术”,哥德堡艺术博物馆,瑞典
“中国油画展”,中日友好厅,福冈, 日本
1994 “美术批评家提名展(油画)”,中国美术馆,北京,中国
“非主流之声:十位中国女艺术家作品展”,汉雅轩画廊,香 港,中国
“后八九中国新艺术展”,Marlborough Fine Art Ltd., 伦敦,英国
1993 “后八九中国新艺术展”,悉尼现代艺术博物馆,澳大利亚
“后八九中国新艺术展”,香港艺术中心,香港中环大会堂,香港, 中国
1992 “中国当代油画艺术展”,劳动人民文化宫,北京,中国
1991 “第24届滨海卡涅国际艺术展”,Cognes-SurMer, 巴黎,法国
1987 “中国首届油画展”,上海美术馆,上海,中国
1985 “前进中的中国青年美展”,中国美术馆,北京,中国
Group Exhibitions:
2012 Hannover Messehalle, Hannoven, Germany
2011 Absent Identity, Fujian Art Museum, Fujian, China
Love and Hope-Art World Assisting Children Affected by the Japanese Disasters, Iberia Center For Contemporary
Art, Beijing, China
Nv Yishu-Series V: Viriditas, Imagine Gallery, Beijing, China
Scenery,Silhouette-Triumph Art Space Collection of Portraits,Triumph Art Space,
Beijing, China
2010 Reshaping History, China National Convention Center/Arario Gallery/Today Art Museum, Beijing,China
2009 Yipai, Today Art Museum, Beijing, China
Memory of the Muse, Wall Art Museum, Beijing, China
2008 Women's Work, Osage Gallery, Hongkong, China
Trasforming Women, Osage Gallery, Shanghai, China
Deep Breath-Chinese Contemporary Female Art Exhibition,Suhe Art, Shanghai, China
Ing-Female Art Exhibition, Muzhenliao Art Museum, Beijing, China
Chinese Contemporary Art of Exhibition, Gehua Art Museum, Beijing, China
2007 Everloving Shuimo--The 2th Invite Exhibition of the Shuimo Union of Songzhuang China, East Region Art Center,
Beijing, China
New Voyage-Contemporary Art Exhibition,Yu Qingtang Gallery, Nantong, China
2006 Chinese Oil on Fire, Ethan Cohen Fine Arts, New York, USA
Regeneration: Contemporary Chinese Art From China and the US, Williams College Museum of Art, Williamstown,
New Chinese Occidentalism, Ethan Cohen Fine Arts, New York, USA
Woman in a Society of Double-Sexuality, Beijing Tang Contemporary Art Center, Beijing, China
Chinese Masters of Contemporary Oil Painting, Wall Art Museum, Beijing, China
Summer Solstice of Arts, Aye gallery, Beijing, China
Temptations Cai Jin and Deng JianJin Oil Painting Exhibition, Wall Art Museum, Beijing,China
2005 Born in China, Goedhuis Contemporary, New York, USA
Eros Untimely Death, Tokyo Gallery, Beijing, China
Tomorrow-Never Look Back-Chinese Contemporary Art, Kuandu Museum of Fine Arts, Taipei, China
Chinese Contemporary Youth Art Exhibition, Hangart-7, Salzburg, Austria
In Honour of '85:2005→1985, Shanghai Duolun Mordern Art Museum,Shanghai,China
Inter-Tivity:Contemporary Art Exhibition,Today Art Museum,Beijing,China
Regeneration: Contemporary Chinese Art from China and the US, ASU Art Museum – Arizona
State University Art Museum, Tempe, USA
2004 Regeneration: Contemporary Chinese Art from China and the US, Samek Art Gallery, Bucknell Regeneration:
Contemporary Chinese Art from China and the US, David Winton Bell Gallery, Providence, USA
Lodz Biennale 2004, Poland International Arists Museum, Lodz, Poland
The First Nominative Exhibition of Fine Arts Literature, Museum of Hubei Academy of Fine Arts, Hubei, China
Forbidden senses:Pornographic words in Chinese Contemporary Art, Francois Mitterrand Cultural Center, France
Beauty on the Cultural Edge, Goedhuis Contemporary, New York, USA
2003 The Inverse Mirror, Chambers Fine Art, New York, USA
The Art of Contemporary Asian Women, Fisher Studio Arts Building, Bard College,
Annandale-on-Hudson, New York, USA
2002 Femininity in Contemporary Asian Art, Lehman College Art Gallery, New York, USA
1st Guangzhou Triennial – Reinterpretation: A Decade of Experimental Chinese Art (1990-2000), Guangdong
Museum of Art, Guangzhou, China
2001 Masterpieces, Made by Chinese, Asian Fine Arts, Berlin, Germany
Towards a New Image: Twenty Years of Contemporary Chinese Painting, National Art Museum,
Beijing; Shanghai Art Museum, Shanghai; Guangdong Art Museum, Guangzhou;
Chengdu Art Museum, Chengdu;China
Confessions: Contemporary Art by Asian Women, the Hammond Museum, New York, USA
2000 Home Contemporary Art Projects, Yuexing Furniture Warehouse, Shanghai, China
20th Century Chinese Oil Painting, National Art Museum of China, Beijing,China
The Zone of Age and Myth: Between Tenderness and Tension, Taipei Fine Arts Museum, Taipei, China
1999 Transience-Chinese Experimental Art at the end of the 20th Century, The David and Alfred Smart Museum of
Art, the University of Chicago, Chicago, USA
Transience-Chinese Experimental Art at the end of the 20th Century University of Oregon Museum, Eugene, USA
Group Show,Jack Tilton Gallery, New York, USA
1999 Art China, Limn Gallery, San Francisco, USA
The Unseen Seen, Peng Gallery Philadelphia, USA, Koln-Beijing, Beijing-Koln, Gothaer Kunstforum, Cologne,
1998 Canalogy, A Site Specific Exhibition on the Gowanus Canal, Carroll Street Bridge,Brooklyn, New York, USA
Half of the Sky, Frauen Museum, Bonn, Germany
Century: Woman Art Show, National Fine Art Museum, Beijing, China
1997 Against the Tide, The Bronx Museum, New York, USA Women and Flowers, Art Gallery of Central Academy of Fine
Arts, Beijing, China
Betemisia Ego and Society, Artemisia Gallery, Chicago, USA
Contemporary Art by Chinese Women Artists, Department of Fine Arts, University of California, Berkeley, USA
China's New Art, Post '89, Chicago Museum of Arts, Chicago, USA
1996 China – Aktuelles Aus 15 Atelier, China Art Festival, Munich, Germany
Reality: Present and Future, International Art Palace Beijing, China
96' Seoul International Art Fair, Seoul, South Korea
Inaugural Show of Chinese Oil-Painting Society, National Fine Art Museum, Beijing, China
1995 Contemporary Chinese Art Exhibition, Goteborgs Konstmuseum, Sweden
Women's Approach to Chinese Contemporary Art, Beijing Art Museum, Beijing, China
Exhibition of Chinese Female Artists, National Fine Art Museum, Beijing, China
Chinese Oil Painting Exhibition, Sino-Japanese Friendship Hall, Fukuoka, Japan
3rd National Exhibition of Chinese Oil Paintings, National Fine Art Museum, Beijing, China
1994 The Annual Exhibition of Works of the Artists Nominated by Art Critics (Oil Painting), National Art Museum of
China, Beijing, China
Current Trends in Chinese Oil Painting, University Museum and Art Gallery, The
University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China
Works by Woman Artists form China, Hong Kong and Taiwan, Hanart T Z Gallery,Hong Kong, China
China's New Art, Post '89, Marlborough Fine Art Ltd., London, England
2nd National Exhibition of Chinese Oil Paintings, National Fine Art Museum,Beijing, China
1993 China's New Art, Post '89, Museum of Contemporary Art, Sydney, Australia
China's New Art, Post '89, Hong Kong Arts Centre, Hong Kong, China
1992 Contemporary Chinese Oil Paintings, Beijing Worker's Cultural Palace, Beijing, China
1991 China's First Exhibition of Oil Paintings, Beijing History Museum, Beijing, China
Cai Jin, Art Gallery of the Central Academy of Fine Arts, Beijing, China
24th Festival International de La Peinture, Cognes Sur-mer, Paris, France