钢琴会:野域 | Piano Fields
来源:高更画廊  点击量:1925  时间:2015/9/4 16:45:29

《野域》 Piano Fields


董慧萍/Huiping Dong



沈冰/Bing Shen--钢琴/Piano

Ian Battenfield Headley--田野录音/Field Recordings


07:30 PM





沈冰的演奏被著名钢琴家、主持人、作家、学者 David Dubal (戴维-杜巴尔,《键盘上的反思》作者) 誉为“Stylishly Stunning!”(风格惊艳); 乐评人 Brian Schuth 在其 The Boston Musical Intelligencer 中的文章描述沈冰的演奏“exact and beautiful; great technical polish and energy.” (精确而美丽;技巧高超且充满能量)。沈冰现于美国波士顿大学攻读博士学位,并曾获曼哈顿音乐学院硕士、温哥华音乐学院艺术家文凭,及中央音乐学院学士学位。

沈冰曾获邀参加多个著名音乐节,包括美国的 Sarasota Music Festival、 SICPP 现代音乐表演音乐节、法国的 Music Alp 音乐节,及加拿大的 Orford 音乐节等。她的演奏被权威的欧洲音乐电视台“arte”广泛播放。沈冰曾获中央音乐学院第一届学院杯钢琴比赛第一名,并曾在中法“咪多”钢琴比赛和加拿大 Kay Meek 比赛中获奖。

沈冰的演出足迹涉及法国、德国、日本、美国、加拿大、以及中国的重要城市。她曾在包括纽约的 Symphony Space、Greenfield Hall、波士顿的 Tsai Performance Center、Brown Hall、上海大剧院、北京音乐厅、河南艺术中心、同济大学、中央美术学院美术馆等国内外各顶尖音乐厅举办演奏会和讲座,得到包括凤凰网在内等多个主要媒体关注。沈冰参与创建的NovaTrio 新媒体表演团体非常荣幸地在2012年冬接受了权威创新艺术媒体“The Creators Project” 的采访。在纽约期间,戴维--杜巴尔多次邀请沈冰到他在朱莉亚学院开设的钢琴文献课上进行示范演奏。在波士顿期间,沈冰多次获邀与ALEA III --波士顿大学驻校现代音乐乐团进行合作演出。其中包括“八位钢琴家”钢琴系庆典,和“斯特拉文斯基百年祭”等校级项目。

由母亲赵立丽教授启蒙,沈冰先后师从于郑曙星、常桦、凌远、杜泰航、李金星、Jeffery Cohen、Solomon Mikowsky、Anthony di Bonaventura和Pavel Nersessian等国内外多位著名钢琴家、教育家。她也曾接受过David Dubal (戴维-杜巴尔)、Claude Frank (克劳德-弗朗克)、Paul Badura-skoda (保罗-巴杜拉-斯柯达)、 Robert D. Levin (罗伯特-列文)等多位优秀艺术家的指点与引导。在现代音乐领域,她曾受教于 Stephen Drury (斯帝夫-杜利)、Antony de Mare (安东尼-德梅尔)、Steffen Schleiermacher (史蒂芬 – 施莱尔马赫)等现在音乐专家。

除演奏和艺术创作之外,沈冰对音乐教育也充满热情。她在波士顿大学教授的钢琴演奏集体课程以及钢琴选修个别课程广受学生的欢迎。她已经连续三年为学生策划举办季度沙龙音乐会。同时,她受聘于Boston Ballet (波士顿芭蕾)和 YAMAHA Music School。

Acclaimed as “Stylishly stunning” by pianist and author David Dubal, Bing Shen has performed in venues such as Symphony Space (New York City), Brown Hall (Boston), Tsai Performance Center (Boston), Shanghai Grand Theater, and Beijing Concert Hall, just to name a few. Winner of numerous competitions including Key-Meek scholarship Competition (Vancouver); The 1st Central Conservatory of Music Piano Competition (Beijing); and “Mi-Do” China-France competition, Bing has been invited to festivals like SICPP (US), Sarasota Music Festival (US), MusicAlp (France), and Orford Festival (Canada). During the time living in NYC, Bing was invited to perform for David Dubal’s piano literature classes at The Juilliard School. After moving to Boston, Bing has been performing regularly with ALEA III, the Contemporary Music Ensemble in residence at Boston University.  Her performance has been featured on the French music channel, “Arte.” A student in Pavel Nersessian’s studio at BU since 2013, Ms. Shen has studied with Gila Goldstein, Anthony di Bonaventura, Jeffrey Cohen, Solomon Mikowsky, Lee Kum-sing, Taihang Du, Yuan Ling, Hua Chang; and contemporary repertoire with Antony de Mare, Stephen Drury, Steffen Schleiermacher. Worked in master classes with John Perry, Robert Levin, Paul Badura-Skoda, and mentored by Claude Frank. Besides performing, Bing teaches groups piano classes and individual piano classes at BU as a TA. Currently a D.M.A. candidate in piano performance at Boston University, Ms. Shen holds M.M. from Manhattan School of Music (with scholarship), Artist Diploma from Vancouver Academy of music (with scholarship), and B.A. from Central Conservatory of Music in Beijing, China (with scholarship).


Ian Battenfield Headley 是一位纽约的声音艺术家。他的作品多运用田野录音与自己设计的交互式电脑程序。这些作品被描述为探索“有机与加工声响间若即若离的美”(Weird Ear唱片);具有“惊人的内在本能,三维立体”(New Music Box)。



Ian Battenfield Headley is a NYC based sound artist. His works, which utilize field recordings and self-designed interactive software,  have been described as, exploring the, ”beautiful dichotomies between organic and processed sounds that imitate each other,” (Weird Ear Records), and “strikingly visceral, three-dimensional…” (New Music Box). 

His work, Passage (2010), won Musicworks Magazine’s 2012 Electronic Music Competition. He has premiered and recorded works in the United States, Canada, China, and India.









吕文成/陈培勋 (1975)




Claude Debussy:  Piano Etude No.1 “pour les cinq doigts d'après Monsieur Czerny”

德彪西:钢琴练习曲第一首 “车尔尼先生之后的<五指练习曲>”(1915)




William Bolcom: Graceful Ghost Rag

博尔科姆:优雅鬼魂拉格 (1970)


Olivier Messiaen:  Piano Etude No. 1 “Ile de Fue I”

梅西安:钢琴练习曲第一首 “火之岛 I”(1949-1950)




Alban Berg:  Piano Sonata No.1

贝尔格:第一钢琴奏鸣曲 (1910)






Alberto Ginastera: Sonata for Piano No.1, Op. 22





Alexander Scriabin:Piano Sonata No. 9 “Black Mass” 

斯克里亚宾:第九钢琴奏鸣曲 “黑色弥撒”(1912-1913)