艺术家 artist
张大力 . 简历  |  Zhang dali . Artist Biography


1963年      生于黑龙江省哈尔滨市
1987年      毕业于北京中央工艺美术学院


1989年        “张大力水墨画展”中央美术学院画廊,北京,中国
1993年       “张大力水墨作品展”5号画廊,波伦尼亚,意大利
1994年       “革命与暴力”5号画廊,波伦尼亚,意大利
1999年       “对话与拆”四合苑画廊,北京,中国
2000年      “AK-47”,四合苑画廊,北京,中国
2002年     “头条”,中国当代艺术画廊,伦敦,英国
                “北京的脸”Base 画廊,东京,日本,
2003年     “AK-47”伽里波勒蒂画廊,米兰,意大利
2004年     “张大力新作展”中国当代艺术画廊,伦敦,英国
2005年     “升华-中国历史图片档案”, 北京公社画廊,北京,中国
2006年     “张大力:第二历史”, Walsh Gallery,芝加哥,美国
2007年     “种族”,中国当代画廊,纽约,美国
2008年     “风/马/旗”, 红星画廊,北京,中国
                “口号”, Kiang画廊,亚特兰大,美国
2009年     “无所不在”, 何香凝美术馆,深圳,中国
                “被禁止的梦” 英国宫,都灵,意大利
                “第二历史”, 798圣之空间,北京,中国
2010年     “第二历史”, 广东美术馆,广州,中国
                “张大力 – 个人展”, 18 画廊,上海,中国
                “张大力 – 极端现实”, 坦克库-重庆当代艺术中心,重庆,中国
                “张大力”, Bodson-Emelinckx 画廊, 布鲁塞尔,比利时
2011年     “新口号”,艺莱-克莱茵画廊,纽约,美国
                “世界的影子”, 北京艺门画廊,北京,中国
                “张大力”, Adrian David 画廊, 克诺特祖特, 比利时
2012年    “张大力”, Loft 画廊, 巴黎,法国
                “AK-47”, Stern-Pissarro 画廊, 伦敦,英国
                “张大力-持续画展”,Automne 画廊,布鲁塞尔,比利时
2013年     “张大力-第二历史”,鲁迅美术学院美术馆,沈阳,中国
               “张大力- 回顾展”, Eli Klein 画廊, 纽约,美国
2014年     “广场”, 凯尚画廊, 纽约, 美国
                “广场”, K空间, 成都
2015 年   “张大力 – 世界的影子”, 路德维希堡美术馆, 路德维希堡, 德国
               “第二历史”, 当代艺术美术馆, 布宜诺斯艾利斯, 阿根廷
               “苍穹之下”, 艺门画廊, 香港, 中国
               “从现实到极端现实 - 张大力回顾研究展”, 合美术馆, 武汉,中国

1987年   “三人画展”, 中山公园兰花室,北京,中国
1989年   “1989-北京现代艺术沙龙-水墨画展”, 首都博物馆(孔庙),北京,中国
1991年   “纸上作品展”, 城市画廊,菲拉拉,意大利
1992年     “中国艺术家联展”,印章画廊,帕都瓦,意大利
1993年   “国际区” 霓虹画廊,波伦尼亚,意大利
              “腐化艺术”, 纳维勒文化空间画廊,波伦尼亚,意大利
1995年   “地球的组成”,歌德学院,都灵,意大利
1997年   “W ²+ Z ²—多媒体幻灯展”,中央美术学院画廊,北京,中国
1998年   “城市建设和都市化”,万寿寺,北京,中国
               “中国摄影展”,  雷曼学院,纽约,美国
               “中国艺术家联展”, 中国当代艺术画廊,伦敦,英国
1999年    “中国摄影展”, 巴尔德学院,纽约,美国
               “北京在伦敦”, 英国现代艺术研究中心,伦敦,英国
2000年    “预兆”, 日本国际交流基金会,东京,日本 
               “艺术大餐”, Club Vouge,北京,中国
                 Des Tapisseries 博物馆,普罗望斯,法国
                 行为:“思想牌绞肉机”, 东四八条艺术仓库,北京,中国
2001年   “HOT POT”,现代艺术中心,挪威,奥斯陆
              “中国当代艺术展”, 新加坡美术馆,新加坡
2002年  “平遥国际摄影节”,平遥,中国
             “中国新摄影”,四合苑画廊, 北京,中国
2003年  “罗马国际摄影节,中国艺术联展”,罗马Arte del Borghetto画廊,意大利
2004年  “我!我!我!”联展,四合苑画廊,北京,中国
             “过去与未来之间——中国当代摄影展”, 国际摄影中心,纽约,美国
2005年  “新社会主义,新现实主义”, 北京公社画廊,北京,中国
              “蜉蝣”, 北京公社画廊,北京,中国
             “中国当代雕塑展”, Museum Beelden aan Zee,海牙,荷兰
             “墙”, 中华世纪坛,北京,中国
             “来自中国的新摄影和录像”, 维多利亚和阿尔伯特美术馆,伦敦,英国
2006年  “伟大的表演”, Max Protetch,纽约,美国
             “红星”, 798 红星画廊,北京,中国
             “今日中国”, Essl 美术馆,维也纳,奥地利
2007年  “过去进行时”,望东艺集,上海,中国
             “中国很近”,地中海画廊,巴来莫, 意大利
             “三位一体”, 东大名创库,上海,中国
             “红色浪潮”, 休斯敦美术馆,休斯敦,美国
2008年 “重新看亚洲”, 世界文化宫,柏林,德国
            “加油中国 — 墙上的笔迹”,格罗宁根美术馆,荷兰
            “精制的尸体:超现实中国”, m97画廊,上海,中国
           “口号”, 伊莱克蓝画廊,纽约,美国
           “迪奥与中国艺术家”, 尤伦斯艺术中心, 北京,中国
           “继续革命:中国新艺术”, 萨奇画廊伦敦,英国
2009年  “张大力第二历史”,堪萨斯市艺术中心,美国
             “非常状态”, 墙美术馆,北京,中国
             “传统的转变”,Victoria H. Myhren 画廊/丹佛大学,美国
             “由风格书写到艺术-街头艺术展”, 18 画廊,上海,中国
2010年  “改造历史”,国家会议中心,北京,中国
2011年  “艺术日新”,清华大学美术学院美术馆,北京,中国
             “清晰的地平线- 1978年以来中国当代雕塑”,寺上美术馆,北京,中国
2012年 “拆毁”北京艺门画廊,北京,中国
2013年 “个体生长-当代艺术的动力”天津美术馆,天津,中国
            “火锅:品味中国当代艺术”, 伯瑞特波罗美术馆, 伯瑞特波罗, 美国
2014年“De Heus-Zomers中国现代艺术收藏”, 伯吉曼博物馆, 罗特丹, 荷兰
            “西云东语 – 中国当代艺术研究展”, 合美术馆, 武汉, 中国
            “中国当代摄影”, 艺术科技美术馆, 新加坡
            “中国当代摄影”, 民生现代美术馆,上海,中国
            “后媒体时代的摄影”, 连州摄影节, 连州, 中国
2015 年   “社区植入计划”, 成都锦江美术馆, 成都, 中国
               “茅塞顿开—中德观念艺术比较研究展”, 合美术馆, 武汉, 中国
               “执像 – 当代摄影展”, 红砖厂创意园, 广州, 中国
               “ART PARK 公共艺术”, 艺术北京,北京, 中国
               “克拉科夫摄影节”, 克拉科夫,波兰
                “解构中国”, 亚洲协会,纽约, 美国
                  "别问我你从哪里来"  丹麦Aros美术馆,奥胡思,丹麦


1963    Born in Harbin (China)
1987    Graduated from National Academy of Fine Arts and Design
Now lives and works in Beijing

Individual Exhibitions
1989“Wash Painting Exhibition by Zhang Dali”, Gallery of the National Academy of Fine Arts, Beijing, China
1993                                                           “Zhang Dali: Pitture a Inchiostro”, Galleria Studio 5, Bologna, Italy
1994                                                                         “Rivoluzione e Violenza”, Galleria Studio 5, Bologna, Italy
1999                                                            “Dialogue and Demolition”, The Courtyard Gallery, Beijing, China
        “Dialogue”, Chinese Contemporary Gallery, London, UK,
2000                                                                                           “AK-47”, The Courtyard Gallery, Beijing, China
2002                                                                          “Headlines”, Chinese Contemporary Gallery, London, UK
“Beijing’s Face”, Base Gallery, Tokyo, Japan
2003                                                                                                      “AK-47”, Galleria Gariboldi, Milan, Italy
        “AK-47”, Galleria Il Traghetto, Venice, Italy,
2004                                                “New Works by Zhang Dali”, Chinese Contemporary Gallery, London, UK
2005                                                                            “Sublimation”, Beijing Commune Gallery, Beijing, China
2006                                                                  “Zhang Dali:A Second History”, Walsh Gallery, Chicago, USA
2007                                                        “Chinese Offspring”, Chinese Contemporary Gallery, New York, USA
2008                                                                            “The Road to Freedom”, Red Star Gallery, Beijing, China
  “Slogans”, Kiang Gallery, Atlanta, USA
2009                                                                          “Pervasion”, He Xiangning Art Museum, Shenzhen, China
“Il sogno proibito della nuova Cina”, Plazzo Inghilteraa,Turin, Italy
“The Second History”, Space SZ Gallery, Beijing, China
2010                                                      “The Second History”, Guangdong Museum of Art, Guangzhou, China
“Zhang Dali – Solo Show”, 18 Gallery, Shanghai, China
“Zhang Dali – Extreme Reality”, Tank Loft-Chongqing Contemporary Art Center, Chongqing, China
“Zhang Dali”, Gallery Bodson-Emelinckx, Brussels, Belgium
2011                                                                             “New Slogan”, Eli Klein Fine Art Gallery, New York, USA
 “World’s Shadows”, Pekin Fine Arts Gallery, Beijing China
“Zhang Dali”, Adrian David Gallerie, Knokke-Le Zoute, Belgium
2012 “Zhang Dali”, Loft Gallery, Paris, France
“AK-47”, Stern Pissarro Gallery, London, UK
“Zhang Dali Retrospective”, Eli Klein Fine Art, New York, USA
2013               “Zhang Dali—Second History”Museum of the Lu Xun Academy of Fine Art,  Shenyang, China
 “Zhang Dali – A Retrospective”, Eli Klein Fine Arts, New York, USA
2014                                                                                                  Square”, Klein-Sun Gallery, New York, USA
“Square”, K Space, Chengdu, China
“Zhang Dali-permanent exhibition”, Automne Galerie, Bruxelles, Belgium
2015                                “Zhang Dali – World’s Shadows”, Ludwisburg Kunstverein, Ludwisburg, Germany
 “A Second History”, MACBA - Museum of Contemporary Art Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina
  “Under the Sky”, Pékin Fine Arts Gallery, Hong Kong, China
 “From Reality to Extreme Reality - Zhang Dali Retrospective Research Exhibition”, United Museum, Wuhan, China

Selected Group Exhibitions
1987                                                                                 “Three Men Show”, Sun Yat-sen Park, Beijing, China
1989                            “Wash Painting Salon in Peking”, Capital Museum (Confucius Temple), Beijing, China
1991                                                                                   “Pittura su Carta”, Galleria Comunale, Ferrara, Italy
1992                                                                         “Collettiva di artisti cinesi”, Il Sigillo Gallery, Padova, Italy
1993                                                                                   “Zona Internazionale”, Neon Gallery, Bologna, Italy
“Arte Deperibile”, Spazio Cultura Navile, Bologna, Italy
1995                                                           “La Formazione della Terra”, Goethe Institute Gallery, Torino, Italy

“W ²+ Z ²- Multi-media and video Exhibition”, Gallery of the National Academy of Fine Arts, Beijing, China
1998                                                                      “Urbanity”, Wang Shou Temple Art Museum, Beijing, China
11th Tallinn Triennial, Tallinn Estonia
“Chinese Contemporary Photography”, Lehman College, New York, USA
“Chinese Artists Group Show”, Chinese Contemporary Gallery, London, UK
1999                                                       “Chinese Contemporary Photography”, Bard College, New York, USA
“Unveiled Reality- Chinese Contemporary Photography”, Chulalongkom University Museum, Bangkok, Thailand
“The world is yours!” Design Museum, performance, Beijing, China
“hsin: a visible spirit”, Cypress College, California, USA
“Beijing in London”, ICA, London, UK
“Food for Thought”, Eindhoven, Holland
“Transparence Opacité?”, Aix en Provence, France and Aosta, Italy
 2000                                                                  “Serendipity”, The Japan Foundation Asia Center, Tokyo, Japan
“Food as Art”, Club Vogue, Beijing, China
“Artistes Contemporains Chinois”, Musee des Tapisseries, Aix-en-Provence, France
“Thought Brand Meat Mincer”, Performance Dongsi 8 Tiao, Beijing, China
“Fuck Off”, Eastlink Gallery, Shanghai, China
2001                                                                                                   “Hot Pot”, Kunstnernes Hus, Oslo, Norway
“Contemporary Chinese Photography”, Finland Museum of Photography, Helsinki, Finland
“Contemporary Chinese Photography”, Oulu Art Museum, Oulu, Finland
"China Art Now", Singapore Art Museum, Singapore
“Courtyard Gallery August Group Show”, The Courtyard Gallery, Beijing, China
2002                                                                                  “International Photography Festival”, Pingyao, China
“The First Guangzhou Triennial”, Guangdong Museum of Art, Guangzhou, China
“New Photography from China”, The Courtyard Gallery, Beijing, China
2003                                             “Festival Internazionale di Roma”, L'Officina-Arte del Borghetto, Rome, Italy
“China-Germany Art”, Factory 798, Beijing, China
“The Logan Collection”, Denver Art Museum, Denver, USA
2004                                                                                  “Me! Me! Me!”, The Courtyard Gallery, Beijing, China
        “Between Past and Future”, ICP, New York, USA
“Critical Mass”, Chinese Contemporary Gallery, Beijing, China
2005                                   “Chinese Contemporary Sculpture Exhibition”, Museum Beelden aan Zee, Holland
“The Game of Realism”, Beijing Commune Gallery, Beijing, China
“Mayfly”, Beijing Commune Gallery, Beijing, China
“Wall”, Millennium Museum, Beijing, China
“New Photography and Video from China”, Victoria and Albert Museum, London, UK
2006                                                                                   “Great Performance”, Max Protetch, New York, USA
 “Red Star”, Red Star Gallery, 798 Factory, Beijing, China
Gwangju Biennnale 6th Edition “Fever Variations”, Gwangju, South Korea
“Museum Sammlung Essl – China Now”, Klosterneuburg, Vienna, Austria
2007                                                                  “Past forward”, Oriental Vista Art Collections, Shanghai, China
“La Cina é vicina”, Mediterranea Gallery, Palermo, Italy
 “Three Unitary ”, ddm, Shanghai, China,
“Red Hot”, Houston Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, USA
“China Now”, CoBrA Museum of Modern Art, Amsterdam, Netherlands
“Unexpected – Out of Control”, Ku Art Center, Beijing, China
“All our Tomorrows: The Culture of Camuflage”, Kunstraum der Universität, Lüneburg, Germany
“China Now-Lost in Transition”, Eli Klein Fine Art, New York, USA
2008                                                              “Re-Imagining Asia”, House of World Cultures, Berlin, Germany
“Go China!—Writing on the Wall”, Groninger Museum, Groningen, Netherlands
“China Gold ”, Musee Maillol, Paris, France
        “Logan Collection”, San Francisco MOMA, San Francisco, USA
“Exquiste Corpse: China Surreal”, m97 Gallery, Shanghai, China
“Guang Hua Road”, Michael Schultz Gallery, Beijing, China
“Christian Dior & Chinese Artists”, UCCA, Beijing, China
“The Revolution Continues: New Art from China”, Saatchi Gallery, London, UK
“Slogan”, Eli Klein Fine Art, New York, USA
2009 “Stairway to Heaven: From Chinese Streets to Monuments and Skyscrapers”, Art Center, Kansas City, USA
“Re-imaging Asia”, The New Art Gallery, Walsall, UK
“The very Condition”, Wall Art Museum, Beijing, China
“Images from History”, Shenzhen Art Museum, Shenzhen, China
“Transforming Traditions”, Victoria H. Myhren Gallery, University of Denver, Denver, USA
“Collision”, CAFA Art Museum, Beijing, China
“From Style Writing to Art – Street Art Group Show”, 18 Gallery, Shanghai, China
2010                                                                                                “Reshaping History”, CNCC, Beijing, China
“Re-Visioning History” OV Gallery, Shanghai, China
“From New York to Beijing: Graffiti-Blogging in the Street Blade & Zhang Dali”, C-Space, Beijing, China
“41st edition of the Rencontres d’Arles”, Espace Van Gogh, Arles, France
“Ame de Chine” Magda Danysz Gallery, Paris, France
“Exhibition Exhibition” Castello di Rivoli Museo di Arte Contemporanea Torino Italy
“The Original Copy:Photography of Sculpture, 1839 to today” The Museum of Modern Art, New York
“Great Performances”, Pace Beijing Gallery, Beijing China
“Dimensionality”, Redstar Gallery, Beijing, China
“Four Dimensions”, Hong Kong Photo Festival 2010, Hong Kong, China
“Is the world real” The 6 Lianzhou International Photo Festival, Lianzhou, China
2011                           “The Evolving Art”, Art Museum of Arts & Design Tsinghua University, Beijing, China
        “Guan Xi”, Guangdong Museum of Art, Guangzhou, China
        “Speech Matters”, 54th Biennale of Venice, Denmark Pavilion, Venice, Italy
  “Photo Spring Caochangdi-Arles in Beijing”, Beijing, China
“Image History Existence” ---Taikanglife 15th Anniversary art collection Exhibition, National Art Museum of China, Beijing, China
“Self Camera: Repositioning Modern-Self”, Changwon Asian Art Festival, Changwon, Korea
“New Photography 2011”, MoMA, New York, USA
“The Life and Death of Buildings”, Princeton University Art Museum, Princeton NJ, USA
“Guanxi”, Today Museum, Beijing China
“Start from the Horizon-China Contemporary Sculpture since 1978”, Si Shang Art Museum, Beijing, China
2012                                                                                                       “Raze”, Peking Fine Arts, Beijing, China
  “Faking it – Manipulated Photography before Photoshop”, MET, New York, USA
  “The Unseen” at Guangzhou Triennial, Guangdong Art Museum Guangzhou, China
“Body Double: The Figure in Contemporary Sculpture”, The Meijer Gardens and Sculpture Park, Grand Rapids, USA
“Omen-2012”, Shanghai Art Museum, Shanghai China

2013                “Individual Growth-Momentum of Contemporary Art”, Tianjin Art Museum, Tianjin,      China
“Voice of the Unseen”, Collateral Event at the 55th Venice Biennale, Venice, Italy
 “Aura and Post Aura”, The First Beijing International Photography Biennale, Millennium Museum, Beijing, China
 “Hot Pot: A Taste of Contemporary Chinese Art”, Brattleboro Museum and Art Center, Brattleboro, USA
“Incarnations”, Institute Confucius des Pais de la Loire, Angers, France
“Fuck Off 2”, Groninger Museum, Groningen, Holland
“Re-Ink”, Invitational Exhibition, Hubei Museum of Art,Wuhan,China
“The Nature of Things”, Magda Gallery, Shanghai, China
“Chinese Photography”, Galerie Paris-Beijing, Brussels, Belgium
“One Square Meter – Situation”, Linda Gallery, Beijing, China
“World’s Shadows”, Photo Phnom Penh 2013, Royal University of Phnom Penh, Phnom Penh, Cambodia
“景观再造”Budapest Art Museum, Budapest, Hungary
“Aftermath”, 21c Museum, Louisville, USA

2014                                 “De Heus-Zomers Collection of Chinese Contemporary Art”, Museum Bojimans Van
Beuningen, Rotterdam, Holland
    “Chinese Contemporary Photography”, Minsheng Museum, Shanghai, China
“West Says East Says – Chinese Contemporary Art Research Exhibition”, United Museum, Wuhan, China
“Chinese Contemporary Photography”, ArtScience Museum &Singapore Photography Festival, Singapore
“Photography in the Post Media Era”, Lianzhou Photo Festival, Lianzhou, China
2015“Community Implant Plan”, Chengdu Jinjiang Museum, Chengdu, China
“Sudden Change of Idea – Chinese and German Conceptual Art Comparative Research Exhibition”, United Museum, Wuhan,  China
“The Persistence of Images”, Red Brick Factory Art District, Guangzhou, China
“ART PARK”, Art Beijing, Agricultural Exhibition Center of China, Beijing, China
“Photomonth”, Muzeum Sztuki i Techniki Japonskiej, Krakow, Poland
“De/constructing China”, Asia Society, New York, USA
“The Civil Power” Beijing Minsheng Art Museum,Beijing,China
“Don't ask me where are you from”  Denmark Aros Art Museum,ARhus,Denmark